by Vicki | Feb 13, 2024 | Bespoke Shutters, Bespoke Venetian Blinds
Shutters Versus Venetian Blinds We are often asked which window dressing to choose whether shutters are better or Venetian Blinds. In this article I am going to try explaining the differences and the pros and cons of each type of window covering. Plantation shutters... by Vicki | Jan 19, 2024 | Bay Windows, Bespke Vertical Blinds, Bespoke Shutters, Bespoke Venetian Blinds, Roman Blinds
Blinds in Bay Windows Many houses have a bay window in their house, these angled windows add style and space to rooms, however, can be more challenging to cover. So, whether you have a half bay, a splay bay, a square bay or a bow window, here are some of my best...