Imprint for Berkshire Blinds and Shutters

Berkshire Blinds and Shutters is a brand of Home County Retail Limited (Company Number 08853247)

Company Name: Home County Retail Limited

Registered Office: Unit 3, Farnham Business Centre, Dugflud Way, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7UP

VAT Registration Number: GB181265902

Company Registration Number: 08853247 (England & Wales)

Purpose of the Website: This website provides information about our products and services, allows users to make inquiries, and facilitates customer interactions.

Regulatory Authority: Registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Dispute Resolution: In case of disputes, you may contact us directly or use the EU’s Online Dispute Resolution platform at

This Imprint is provided in compliance with the UK Companies Act and EU directives where applicable.