by Vicki | Feb 13, 2024 | Bespoke Shutters, Bespoke Venetian Blinds
Shutters Versus Venetian Blinds We are often asked which window dressing to choose whether shutters are better or Venetian Blinds. In this article I am going to try explaining the differences and the pros and cons of each type of window covering. Plantation shutters... by Vicki | Jan 19, 2024 | Bay Windows, Bespke Vertical Blinds, Bespoke Shutters, Bespoke Venetian Blinds, Roman Blinds
Blinds in Bay Windows Many houses have a bay window in their house, these angled windows add style and space to rooms, however, can be more challenging to cover. So, whether you have a half bay, a splay bay, a square bay or a bow window, here are some of my best... by Vicki | Oct 6, 2023 | Bespke Vertical Blinds, Bespoke Roller Blinds, Bespoke Shutters
What blinds are best for Wide Windows? With more houses having large windows to let in lovely light, there are times when it would be lovely to cover these windows. Luckily we have a wide range of options for windows depending on widths, so settle in and find out the... by Vicki | Apr 5, 2023 | Bespoke Roller Blinds
3 For 2 Roller Blinds Includes Motorisation Day and Night Blinds are also known as Zebra Blinds, Duo Blinds or Night and Day Blinds and even Vision Blinds. Regardless of the name they all work in the same way. These Clever blinds offer Light and visibility through...